• 钺科-凝心聚力2019 蓄势待发2020

    2020年度管理规划会议凝心聚力2019 蓄势待发2020 走过风霜雨雪,走过春夏秋冬,走过流年岁月,又走到了岁尾年终。为了认真总结2019年各项工作,明确2020年企业经营目标、管理目标及部门职责。钺科公司2020年度管理规划会议于2019年12月14-15日至龙岩连城大酒店召开。此次管理规划会议耗时2天,我们一起游玩、一起享受美食,一起认真总结与规划工作。游玩篇1温柔秀丽的石门湖,碧水映丹山

    2020/08/28 钺科管理员 5564

  • 钺科总经理新年寄语| 心有光芒 必有远方


    2020/08/28 钺科管理员 533

  • 2.14情人节 -- 跨越疫情,让爱发光!

    <section style="margin: 0px; padding: 0px; max-width: 100%; box-sizing: border-box; display: inline-block; width: 50px; height: 50px; vertical-align: top; overflow: hidden; background-position

    2020/08/28 钺科管理员 195

  • Yeco-Perfect appearance in 2020 Shanghai international school uniform and garden uniform Exhibition

    About ISUE♡ ♡ ♡"Shanghai international school uniform and garden uniform Exhibition" (isue) has experienced four times of learning and growth since 2013, and has gradually become the most

    2020/07/26 Yeco admin 227

  • Yeco-Perfect appearance in ISPO Munich 2020

    About ISPO MunichISPO Munich. The Munich International Sporting Goods Fair, was founded in 1970. It is the world's largest and most complete outdoor sports exhibition. Every year, nearly 2732 inte

    2020/01/31 Yeco admin 2211

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